Guidance for Doctoral Students

1.         Credit Requirement

Non-AIT Master Graduate
AIT Master Graduate
(i)     Coursework

minimum of 18 credits excluding Special Study
minimum of 18 credits which may include a maximum of 6 credits Special Study
(ii)   Dissertation
66 credits
66 credits

2.         Progress Report – required to be submitted to the Program Committee every semester for evaluation of DPRC.

3.         Advancement to Candidacy
           Full-time – 3rd semester
           Non-resident – 4th semester
           Part-time – 6th semester

4.         Journal Publication

           Authorship – the student must be the first author of the article based on the dissertation if the journal does not require a different order. (This regulation is being revisited – may be amended later).

           The journal must be internationally refereed with the following characteristics:
(i)         Has an international editorial board
(ii)        Has international diversity of authorship
(iii)       Appears in major databases
(iv)       Has a reputable publisher
(v)        Has SCI, SSCI or COMPENDEX Number

Upon DPRC’s review of the journal, peer review comments may be requested by DPRC in case of doubts.

           The AIT affiliation of the student must be included in the journal paper;

           A doctoral student is required to seek formal approval from the Program Committee Chair before sending his/her scientific paper for publication in any journal.

           The DPRC is discouraging publication in some journals. The list is available at each field of study for reference of students and faculty. In addition, publication in journals with very broad scope is also discouraged.

           Once acceptance from the journal is received, the completed publication form together with a copy of the accepted paper and information about the journal (i.e. list of editorial board, peer review process, list of databases where the journal is indexed, sample table of contents of any past issue) must be submitted to DPRC for review.

5.         Leave of Absence – can be taken for a maximum of two years only

6.         Probationary and Dismissal Conditions

           Probationary Conditions
(i)   Fails to submit progress report;
(ii)  CGPA is less than 3.50 at the end of the semester;
(iii) Research progress is assessed unsatisfactory;
(iv) Failed to advance to candidacy in due time.

           Dismissal Conditions
(i)   Failed to submit progress report for two consecutive semesters;
(ii)  Has been on probation due to a CGPA of less than 3.50 for two consecutive semesters;
(iii) Has been on probation due to unsatisfactory/ slow research progress for two consecutive semesters;
(iv) Has been on probation due to late advancement to candidacy for two consecutive semesters.
(v)                Dismissal conditions based on Credit Policy:

               Thirty (30) days after the deadline for adding/dropping of courses, interest penalty of 1.5% per month will be imposed.

               If fees remain unpaid before the start of the succeeding semester, viewing of grades, transcripts and registration for the current semester will be disallowed and student’s status shall be ‘suspended due to financial liability’. 
                If the fees remain unpaid at the end of two consecutive semesters including the semester in which he/she was suspended due to financial liability, the student shall be recommended for dismissal. 

               Once dismissed, the Admissions and Scholarship Unit will notify the concerned School Dean of the student’s dismissal.  A student recommended for dismissal may appeal to a Tribunal of Appeals chaired by the VPAA.

7.         Study Limit
           Full-time – 5 years from advancement to candidacy
           Non-resident – 7 years from advancement to candidacy
           Part-time – 7 years from advancement to candidacy

           Students who failed to finish the doctoral requirements within the study limit are automatically dismissed by the Academic Senate. They can appeal to the Tribunal of Appeals for further extension of their studies by sending an appeal letter to the President with explanation of the status of their dissertation and journal article including a clear timetable/plan on how they will finish the doctoral requirements.

8.         External Examiner for the Dissertation

(i)            It should be done at least one semester before expected graduation.
(ii)           The process takes at least two weeks.
(iii)          It does not require having an article accepted or published in a journal.
Requirements for Appointment
(i)            Completed appointment form
(ii)           External Examiner’s curriculum vitae
(iii)          List of publications in English
(iv)          Summary of doctoral research supervision experience
(v)           Candidate’s dissertation abstract
           Dissertation Dispatch to External Examiner – requires plagiarism check; similarity result should not be more than 15%;
           Evaluation of Dissertation – takes at least 7 weeks from the day of dispatch

9.         Final Comprehensive Examination
(i)            Accepted or published journal paper
(ii)           External Examiner accepts the dissertation without another review
(iii)          Responses to comments of the External Examiner
           Examination schedule must be announced to the Program Committee and AIT community one week before the examination;
           All members of the Program Committee should be in attendance during the final examination.

Course registration

§      Step 1: Access to SIS by

or, click SIS login

§      Step 2:
Some students will meet this page

Click on Continue to this website (not recommended) for continuing

§      Step 3:

Click on Use AIT-Mail Login ID and Corresponding password

§      Step 4: Login SIS system with your own username and password that offered by AIT on Student Password Slip.

§      Step 5: click yes for continuing

Step 6: Page that you have to work on. There are 3 items you have to look at more
-         Personal info.: check and change your information
-         Transcript/evaluated for check grade and evaluate courses
-         Course Registration for register the courses (have to check deadline by look at the red note)

Many Vietnamese students in AIT

The Thailand-based Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) has granted degrees to 119 Vietnamese students, (three PhD degrees and 116 MA degrees).
Subjects usually selected by Vietnamese students include aquaculture management, energy, designing, management of environment and natural resources, food processing, rural development planning, construction and infrastructure management, telecommunication and business administration.
Vietnam ranks second in the number of students learning at the AIT, only after Thailand. At present, around 400 Vietnamese people are studying for PhD and MA degrees at the institute.

Since 1961, the AIT has trained some 2,600 Vietnamese students.


Dr Seah gave a training course to AVGeo.

During 3 days from 16/11/2009 to 18/11/2009 at meeting room and company’s laboratory, Avgeo organized the training course of methods for soil laboratory under the teaching of Dr. SEAH came from Asian Institute of technology (AIT). The course collected about 20 trainees whom were engineers and technicians of AVGeo’s company. During 3 days, Dr. SEAH teaches about knowledge and procedures for using the laboratory equipments according to the ASTM criteria. They are including standard test methods for particle size analysis, for determination of water content, for determination of Atterberg limits, for one-dimensional consolidation test, for triaxial tests, for direct shear test, laboratory vane shear test…
This is a part of permanent training programs to improve the knowledge for  Company’s staffs, combined with upgrading the advanced laboratory testing equipments. They will help AVGeo become to the advanced company for geotechnical investigation in Vietnam.