Noppadol Phien-wej
Associate Professor, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.
Associate Dean, School of Engineering and Technology, AIT.
MSc, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA).
Rock Mechanics, Tunneling, Engineering and Applied Geology.
Dennes T.Begado
Professor of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, AIT
M. Eng., Asian Institute of Technology;
Ph. D., Utah State University (USA).
Soil mechanic, Ground improvement techniques,
geosynthetic engineering, geotechnical disaster mitigation,
and probabilistic/numerical methods in geotechnical engineering
Pham Huy Giao
Associate Professor,
Coordinator, Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Field,
School of Engineering and Technology, AIT.
MSc. Bucharest University (Romania);
ME & D.Eng., AIT (Thailand). Geophysics,
Geosystem Engineering and Exploration,
FEM Groundwater Modeling and Artificial Recharge.
Pham Van Long
General Director of Vina Mekong Engineering, HCMC
MEne & D.Eng. Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand).
Soil engineering and design. Ground improvement and geosythetics. Soil structure.
Yoichi Watabe
Head, Soil Mechanics and Geo-environment Laboratory and Leader,
Soil Mechanics and Geo-environment Research Group,
Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI), Japan
M.Eng, Ph.D., Tokyo Imstitute of Technology (USA).
Geotechnical Testing and Advanced Site investigation.
Hiroyasu Ohtsu
Prof. of Kyoto University,
ME & DEng Kyoto Univ.,
Rock engineering, Asset Management
Yusuke Honjo,
Professor of Gifu University;
MEng, Nagoya Univ., PhD, MIT;
Geotechnical engineering, Probilistic and Risk analysis,
Numerical Computation in Geomechanics
Seah Tian Ho
MAA Geotechnics Co. Ltd,
Laboratory and Field Testing. Foundation Engineering.
Site investigation and Management of Geotechnical mega-projects.
Thanu Harnpattanapanich
Panya Consultants Co.,
MSc & PhD, Minessota,
Engineering Geology, geotechnical investigation and analysis for dam, tunnel and foundation, paleoseismology.
Tran Tan Van,
Vietnam Inst. Of Geosciences& Mineral Resources (VIGMR),
Min of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).,
Dipl.Ing. Baku Techn. Uni., ME, AIT., PHD Nagoya, Rock engineering.
Nguyen Anh Minh,
CB&I UK Ltd,
MEng, AIT, PhD, Imperial College London.
Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Soil engineering and design.
Specialist software for geotechnical design.
Phung Duc Long,
Senior Consultant, WSP Vietnam.
Ph.D, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Foundation Engineering, tunneling, ground improvement